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Merubah Vlan membership

How to change the VLAN membership of an access port on the EX-series Ethernet switch?

EX-series switches use bridging and virtual LANs (VLANs) to connect network devices in a LAN such as desktop computers, IP telephones, printers, file servers, wireless access points (WAPs). VLANS are used to segment the LAN into smaller broadcast domains. The ports, or interfaces, on the EX-series Ethernet switch operate in either access mode or trunk mode. An interface in access mode belongs to a single VLAN. The frames transmitted over an access interface are normal Ethernet frames. By default, when you boot a switch and use the factory-default configuration, or when you boot the switch and do not explicitly configure a port mode, all interfaces on the switch are in access mode.
How to change the VLAN membership of an access port on the EX-series Ethernet switch?
An interface in access mode belongs to a single VLAN.  This section shows an example of how to change the VLAN membership of an access port.


Interface ge-0/0/3.0 belongs to VLAN sales. In order to change the VLAN membership from sales to support use the following steps.
  1. View the current VLAN membership of a port/interface
    user@switch> show ethernet-switching interfaces 
    Interface    Index      State     VLAN members

    ge-0/0/1.0   67         UP        sales
    ge-0/0/3.0   68         UP        sales
    ge-0/0/4.0   69         UP        sales

  2. Replace the current VLAN with the new VLAN
    user@switch# edit interfaces ge-0/0/3 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan
    [edit interfaces ge-0/0/3 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan]
    user@switch# replace pattern sales with supportuser@switch# commit

  3. Verify the changed VLAN membership
    user@switch> show ethernet-switching interfaces 
    Interface    Index      State     VLAN members

    ge-0/0/1.0   67         UP        sales
    ge-0/0/3.0   68         UP        support
    ge-0/0/4.0   69         UP        sales

NOTE:   Another method of doing the same is also by deleting the existing VLAN membership and setting the new VLAN membership.
                It can be done as follows:
  1. View the current VLAN membership of a port/interface
    user@switch> show ethernet-switching interfaces 
    Interface    Index      State     VLAN members

    ge-0/0/1.0   67         UP        sales
    ge-0/0/3.0   68         UP        sales
    ge-0/0/4.0   69         UP        sales

  2. Delete the current VLAN membership from the interface
    user@switch# delete interfaces ge-0/0/3 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members sales

  3. Add the new VLAN membership to the interface
    user@switch# set interfaces ge-0/0/3 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members support
    user@switch# commit

  4. Verify the changed VLAN membership
    user@switch> show ethernet-switching interfaces 
    Interface    Index      State     VLAN members

    ge-0/0/1.0   67         UP        sales
    ge-0/0/3.0   68         UP        support
    ge-0/0/4.0   69         UP        sales
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